December 20, 2024 - Plumbing issues were found and are going to be addressed. Lines and drains are going to be replaced. With this work, we have removal of concrete and connecting a line to the main line in the street. Please be careful when entering the church on the west side.
December 20, 2024 - Concrete has been poured in the parish hall to replace the wooden subfloor. General Contractor work is expected to start January 7th.
December 10, 2024 - Diocesan Resolution was approved for reconstruction work at St. Andrew.
December 1, 2024 - Thank you for all of the support for the Tiling project. The goal was met for the project.
October 1, 2024 - Thrasher has completed the tiling project. The sump-pump outlets still need to be connected.
July 1, 2024 - Work is on hold until the water issue can be resolved. With each rain we continue to have water come in the basement. Once the basement is dried out, work will resume. Thank you to Zack Marco and Mega crew. Drainage piping was added to downspouts to get water away from the church. More pictures have been added to the photo album.
June 28, 2024 - Work continues on the parish hall of St. Andrew. Almost all items are out of the parish hall, kitchen and storage rooms and have been moved to the Faith Center. Once the basement dries out, a microbial spray will be used to disinfect the parish hall. Pro Serve continues to work on restoration. More pictures have been posted. Scroll to the bottom of the pictures to see the recently added pictures.
Jun 26, 2024 - Until further notice, St. Andrew daily and weekend Masses will be held at St. Mary in Ashton. This will start Thursday, June 27.
Following is the Mass schedule
Saturday, St. Mary Ashton, 4:30 p.m.
Sunday, St. Patrick Sheldon, 8:30 a.m.
Sunday, St. Mary Ashton, 10:30 a.m. (For St. Andrew)
Sunday, St. Patrick Sheldon, 12:30 p.m. - Spanish
No Mass on Monday
Tuesday, St. Mary Ashton, 8 a.m. (For St. Andrew)
Wednesday, St. Mary Ashton, 8 a.m.
Thursday, St. Mary Ashton, 8 a.m. (For St. Andrew)
Friday, St. Patrick Sheldon, 8 a.m.
St. Mary will be hosting the Masses, but St. Andrew will still be responsible for their weekend ministries. I ask that everyone for June 30 and all of July look at the schedule sent out. If you are unable to fulfill your ministry in Ashton, please find another to take your place. I would also ask that you let me know of any changes made. This applies to all ministries except sacristans. Father Siby has stated that he can take care of the sacristy duties while at Ashton. Please don’t think someone else will just step up to do your ministry. We all need to work together during this time and your help and support is greatly appreciated.
PLEASE, do not enter the church at this time. We do not want to see anyone get hurt. Even if you go by and the doors are open, please do not enter the church. Your safety is our number one concern.
We will continue to keep our parishioners updated with what is going on. Please share this information with others that might not have access to computer technology.
Prayers to everyone affected by the flooding and water issues.