Mass Intentions and Memorials
Mass Intentions
“What can we do to pray for a loved one, living or deceased, or how can we do something to honor or memorialize them at our parish?” This is a common question for us, especially after the death of a loved one.
To have a Mass or several Masses offered for a person who is deceased is an ancient and commendable practice. A Mass is offered to pray for a person that he/she may be at peace in heaven. Since each Mass is of infinite value, requesting one or several Masses is of tremendous benefit for the person prayed for as well as for the family, knowing that their intention is joined with the prayer of the Church.
Holy Mass is the memorial of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. The celebration of the Eucharist transcends time and space as it makes sacramentally present the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. The one and only sacrifice of Christ is the central event of human history that brings creation to its fulfillment in God. When Holy Mass is celebrated Christ’s redemption becomes reality for each individual person.
It is an ancient Christian tradition for the faithful to give an offering to apply a Mass for their intention. In doing that, they also contribute to the good of the Church and they support her works and ministers.
Canon law, the law of the Church, regulates this matter very strictly in order to avoid even any appearance of trafficking or trading.
For example, Canon Law states that “nobody is permitted to accept more offerings for Masses to be applied by himself than he can satisfy within a year.”
We are happy to receive your personal intention request for a particular time and date. If you would like to request it, please stop by the parish office at your convenience.
Though no policy can fully address all the spiritual, theological and practical issues associated with Mass Intentions and Mass Offerings, the following will regulate all Mass Intentions requested at the churches of St. Patrick, Sheldon, St. Mary, Ashton and St. Andrew, Sibley:
1. Anyone may request a Mass Intention for:
• a person who is living,
• a person who is deceased,
• members of a given family (not all names will be listed or mentioned from the altar),
• a special intention appropriate to the celebration of the Eucharist, e.g., World Peace, Vocations, Respect for Life, etc.
2. The Church allows only one intention per Mass. In each parish, however, one or two Masses per week may have Collective Mass Intentions. The faithful are free to combine their intentions and offerings for the celebration of a single Mass, as long as they have been previously informed and have freely consented to combining their intention and offering with others in a single offering of Mass. The Collective Mass Intentions also accommodate the immediate needs that arise for which a person wishes to request a Mass Intention; for example, the death of a loved one, or an impending surgery, etc
3. Mass Intentions are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
4. The date of a Mass Intention is subject to change.
5. Currently, the suggested offering is $10.00 per Mass. A Mass Offering may be more than the suggested offering and it may be less, if the person requesting the Mass is not in the financial position to make the customary Mass Offering.
6. Mass Intentions (scheduled at least 1 month before the Mass) are published in our bulletin.
7. The name of the person(s) requesting the Mass is not listed in the bulletin or announced at Mass.
If you have any questions regarding Mass Intentions, please feel free to call the church office.
“If one member suffers in the body of Christ which is the Church, all members suffer with that member.” 1 Corinthians 12:26.
Catholic teaching regarding praying for the dead is connected with scripture, tradition and the doctrine of the communion of saints, which is part of the Creed.
As Catholics, we believe those who have died are separated from us physically, though spiritually they remain connected to us. Death does not sever the bonds of communion. Catholic tradition holds that when a person dies; if they are in a state of grace – they will enter heaven; if they reject God; they enter hell; and if throughout their lives they showed by works of charity and/or profession of belief in God; though they are not in a state of grace; they enter Purgatory.
The theology of Purgatory developed over the course of time. The Church understands that Jesus completes the work of God; and sees its role as now realizing that work. Over history, the Church refers to scripture, tradition and practice to discern its role. Through this process, Purgatory has come to be defined as the state of those who die in God’s friendship, but are need of purification; so as to achieve the necessary grace to enter the joy of heaven. The Church holds it is possible for people to assist those who have gone before us by way of prayer and works of charity.
Within the Catholic tradition then, this is the purpose behind the various forms of prayer for the dead. We ask God during these prayers foremost to be merciful to the deceased; to forgive them their sins, to welcome them into paradise and to comfort those in grief. It is worthy then for us to pray for these intentions. Our belief as Catholics, based on scripture is that Christ is not deaf to our prayers for our loved ones and all the deceased in that part of the Kingdom; referred to as Purgatory.
Catholic tradition to pray for the dead is found in Scripture and tradition where the living offer to God to graciously accept good works on behalf of the souls of the deceased to remit some part or all of the deceased’s atonement. This is referred to as obtaining an indulgence for the deceased.
The Catholic Church holds that by our bond with the deceased through the communion of saints; that we form a single reality between the living and deceased; similar to our supporting our fellow brothers and sisters in this world with prayer and acts of charity; our prayers and acts of charity can assist those who have gone before us. This is done by various examples from consoling the family; to assisting the family in the funeral preparation to partaking in various liturgies especially in the celebration of the Mass and praying for the dead. The tradition of the Funeral Mass arose when St. Augustine’s mother was dying and she told her sons, “Lay this body anywhere and do not let the care of it be a trouble to you… only this I ask: that you remember me at the Lord’s altar, wherever
you are”.
Within Scripture, in the Old Testament; prayers for the dead are mentioned in 2 Maccabees 12:39-45. “When Judas and his men came to take away the bodies of their fallen brethren for burial, they found under the coats of the slain …idols of Jamnia which the Commandments forbid… so turning themselves to prayer, they be sought God, that the sin which had been committed be forgotten… they offered sacrifice for the sins of the dead”. In the New Testament, in 2 Timothy 1:16-18, it reads as follows, “May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and was not afraid of my chains. On the contrary, when he was in Rome, he searched hard for me until he found me. May the Lord grant that he will find mercy from the Lord on that day!”
There is evidence from the early Church leaders of praying for the dead – Tertullian d230 mentions praying for the dead not as a concession to sentiment, but as a duty. St. Augustine, at the end of the ninth book of his Confessions prays for his deceased mother, Monica. Praying for the dead became part of the Eucharistic prayer liturgy in the early church also, often with the names of the deceased included in the Eucharist prayer.
This tradition of over 2000 years still continues in the Eucharistic prayer. Based on Scripture and tradition, the Roman Catholic Liturgy for the Dead has prayers for the deceased; prayers for those who are left behind; prayers for all those who have died and prayers asking God to forgive sins throughout the Mass and other funeral liturgies. The Liturgy of the Word reminds the people of the Resurrection of the body and the Liturgy of the Eucharist is offered as the ultimate prayer for the soul of the deceased; following tradition upon the wish of St. Augustine’s mother, Monica.
Suggestions for ways to remember your loved ones, living or deceased:
Gift to the Memorial Fund for your church– donations help with the cost of items needed at Mass such as vestments, altar cloths, sacred vessels, etc.
Memorial Candle – You can request a memorial candle for a loved one for 1 year, 5 years or eternal. You can find an order form at the candle stand of the church. Also you can light an individual candle at the candle stand for a $1 donation.
Building Fund for your church – all gifts help with the maintenance of church facilities and grounds.
Note: You may request that notification of your gift be mailed to the family.